Transparency with fees

Our hourly fee for individual clients is €140.00.

This includes:

  • Preparation for session(s)

  • Post-session write-ups and parental debriefings, when relevant

  • Phone consultation, by appointment (15 minutes, max 1x week)*

  • Internal consultation with our multi-disciplinary team during our biweekly team meetings**

  • Reportage with recommendations for steps forward, when relevant

  • Administrative support

* Correspondence that exceeds 15 minutes or occurs more than once in a given week will be charged per our hourly rate. School visitations, home visits, phone consultations with other professionals working with your family, writing extended psychological reports, and/or parent meetings (online, phone, or in-person) are all also charged per the hourly rate.

** In some circumstances, the therapy team will need to have an extended case consultation. These extended meetings are also subject to additional surcharges. In these circumstances, extended meetings do not take place until the need has been communicated to the paying-client and explicit approval from the paying-client has been received. We work to be as transparent as possible in all aspects of our billing; if you ever have questions we are happy to answer and clarify our policies.