Amandine de Laporte

Young woman with long brown hair smiling

Amandine has attended international schools her whole life, and moved to the Netherlands in 2019 to complete her BSc in Psychology. She is currently completing her MSc in Child & Adolescent Psychology at Leiden University, and aspires to work in the clinical field, specializing in multicultural children and adolescents.

Her hands-on experience as a school counselor during an internship in an international school deepened her passion for working in an internationally diverse community. This experience, coupled with her own background as a TCK, positions her to understand and connect with those navigating the challenges (amongst great perks!) of an expatriate life. Amandine is especially interested in how language can shape identity and interpersonal connections, and she is on a mission to uncover the most effective ways to support TCKs navigating linguistic complexities, ensuring that they forge a resilient sense of self in the midst of cultural diversity.